Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 31: January 31, 2016

Today was my last full day in Florida and my last day at Harry Potter World. The day started with a hangover and definitely a rough start. There was some crabbiness and some vomit, and lots of water and greasy food, but the day turned around and ended up pretty good. 

We got to go to a Q&A with some cast members of the Harry Potter movies. I was in HEAVEN. Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom) are complete babes so any chance to look at them is great. 

I also got to see one of my idols and my spirit animal Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood). Luna is my favorite HP character. I think she's so amazing and is never afraid to be herself. Evanna Lynch is no less amazing and I love her even more after this weekend. 

She has so many intelligent and insightful things to say, and is so encouraging of everyone to follow their dreams and not let anyone prevent them from doing so. She's such an eloquent speaker and I was mesmerized each time she spoke. 

Her eyes are closed in this picture (for some reason, I got a TON of pictures of her with her eyes closed), but I love it because you can see the passion on her face and the animation in her hands as she speaks. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Day 30: January 30, 2016

Today was a rough day. We decided to sleep in and go to the parks later, because this is a vacation after all. But then we ended up standing in line for over 3 hours to get sorted by the Sorting Hat. It was a cool experience but I definitely could have done without it considering the wait time. 

But I did get sorted into my home of Slytherin. 

Since that took up most of the day, and it was so sunny and awfully hot, we went back to our hotel room to change and chill out for a little bit. By the time we got back to the parks, we had missed all of what we wanted to do throughout the day. 

We ended up getting a late lunch and getting drunk, which carried over to our evening and me playing Mother Hen to my drunken friend. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Day 29: January 29, 2016

Today was an amazing day. I got to see even more of Hogwarts, I got the sweatshirt I've been dying for, and I got a lot of free stuff. I also got to see the Gringotts dragon breathe fire twice and got an amazing picture of it. Other than the part where the ride we were on shut down and we were just sitting there for a couple minutes, and then the ride was all screwy. 

These past couple days have been so fantastic, and I don't want to leave. 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day 28: January 28, 2016

Today was quite easily one of the best days of my life. I got to explore the Wonderful World of Harry Potter and all of its magic. 

I got over one fear of amusement park rides and rode several of them, some more than once. I got to walk through Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. I ate breakfast at the Three Broomsticks and tried Butterbeer for the very first time. This day was amazing. 

It rained ALL. DAY. and that was obnoxious. But it was all worth it. I'm on cloud 9 being here and I don't want to leave. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day 27: January 27, 2016

Today was a huge day in my life. I went on my very first plane ride. I was TERRIFIED about even stepping foot in an airport, let alone taking a plane to Florida. But I survived the flight with very little problems. I did, however, have to get pat down by airport security. It didn't feel much different than being on the city bus, except I did get pretty lightheaded. 

Then we went to our hotel, and ho-ly crap. It is absolutely beautiful. It's aLittle Italy themed hotel, with cute little shops and restaurants around it. I get a queen bed all to myself, which is a dream come true. 

This is truly a once in a lifetime trip for me. I was blessed enough to have an extremely loving and kind friend who was nice enough to pay for this trip for me. I could not be more grateful for her or for this vacation. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day 26: January 26, 2016

I made taco soup today. I've been trying to find quick, cheap-ish, easy recipes that will make a lot (since I'm feeding two hungry boys). This seemed to be reasonable in price, made a decent amount, and cooked pretty quickly. 

I didn't follow the recipe exactly so I was worried about how it was going to turn out, but I was not disappointed. 

I was able to wake up early, get it all together, throw everything in the crock pot, and have it be done in time for me to take some to work. Not too shabby. 

Pictured below is my container of soup that I took to work. I was afraid of it leaking because the deal on the lid wasn't that great. Let's just admire the male touch that my boyfriend used to make sure it stayed closed. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Day 25: January 25, 2016

I walk about a mile and a half to get to my bus stop. It's not super convenient, and there's not really any sidewalk for the majority of the way, but it could be worse. 

One stretch of my walk is over a bridge that is actually closed to traffic, because it's not safe to drive on. Is it safe to walk on? Hell if I know! But I do it anyway. 

A million terrifying thoughts go through my mind as I'm walking across it, but at the same time, it's kind of peaceful. It's just off the highway, and it's in a spot that isn't surrounded by houses or cars. You can hear the wind blowing and the leaves rustling, and for a second your forget where you are. It's probably one of my favorite parts of my day. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Day 24: January 24, 2016

I've been reflecting a lot on some things I used to do when I was single - especially all of the cooking I did and how healthy I was eating. 

My dinner tonight was that pizza above, an Italian meatball pizza with four cheeses. Don't get me wrong, the pizza was amaze-balls. But I got done eating and all I could think about was how badly I wanted a salad and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. 

When I was single and living by myself, I cooked at least 5 nights a week. I ate vegetables at every meal. I at as little frozen food as possible. Now that I'm broke and living with boys, everything is opposite. 

I'm extremely grateful that I'm able to buy food and eat three meals a day; there were times I didn't think that would be possible. But I have to limit my options now that I'm living with these boys that eat like children. 

I know I'm whining and that I sound like a brat, but I just miss my Meatless Monday's and my crockpot meals. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day 23: January 23, 2016

One of my favorite things to do is take selfies with Mack. He's basically a small dinosaur, huge and clumsy and runs into everything. But he's so damn loveable and snuggly, I don't know what I'd do without him. 

He just always has this look on his face like "Wtf are you doing? Why are you so dumb?" And that's what makes me want to take more selfies with him. 

He'll bark at you when you walk in the door like a tough guy, but then he'll run up and smell you, and then he won't leave your side until you per him and give him attention. And I think that's the best kind of dog you could have. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 22: January 22, 2016

Today was as close to perfect as I'll ever know. Ant and I both had the day off so we went on a day date. We got lunch at Applebee's, then we went to see a movie, and finished the day with Starbucks. 

When we got home, Ant set up the computer he built for me. He's been wanting to build it for me for months and he just recently finished it. It's basically his version of buying a diamond necklace. I'm not into electronics at all but I'm very excited to use it. My laptop charger crapped out on my months ago and I haven't been able to afford a new one so this is actually a blessing. 

After the computer was up and running, we spent the rest of the afternoon in bed. 'Nuff said. 

I spent the evening reading, making dinner, doing dishes, and doing laundry. All in all, a great day. 

Day 21: January 21, 2016

You get some interesting people at my work coming in to talk to us. The gentleman in the picture above chatted in and asked me what a plug was behind his dashboard in his 2000 vehicle, which we don't even keep information for because of the year. 

After I talked with him for about 20 minutes, I got his email address and told him a member of the service department would contact him and would be able to tell him what the part was. 

Not even 5 minutes after he disconnected from the chat with me, he chatted in again and one of my co-workers answered him. He had the exact same question. The picture above is a snapshot of his conversation with my co-worker. They had the exact same conversation. He must have been satisfied after the second chat because he didn't contact us again. 

We also get people that don't speak English. It's very interesting because our chat tool will translate for us, but it doesn't always do it fully or even make sense.  We often have to interpret what the translation tool is trying to tell us. Just last night I chatted with a man who spoke Koren and the only things that translated were the model of the vehicle he wanted, the price, and his email address. At least it got me what I needed to do my job. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day 20: January 20, 2016

Today, I bundled up and braced the cold and the snow and walked over a mile to the bus stop. It wasn't the worst walk I've ever had but it definitely wasn't my favorite. I got a blister on my big toe and I was sweating through half of my walk. Then my second bus was late, it took twice as long to get to work, and I couldn't get warm on the bus. It started off as a rough day but it finished up fine. 

At least the snow was pretty and I got a decent selfie out of it. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 19: January 19, 2016

Detroit used to scare me. All I ever heard about it while I was growing up was about crime, drugs, and violence. My family moved when I was 11 because people from Detroit were moving in our neighborhood. Growing up hearing that made me want nothing to do with Detroit. 

Being timid about the city followed me into my young adult years. I went to Tigers and Red Wings games here and there, but always with the voice in the back of my head saying we were going into a danger zone. 

On my first day taking the bus to work, during my three-block walk from the bus stop to my building, two people said hi to me. Two complete strangers with nothing to gain from saying hello, with nothing but smiles. 

This week I had to start working a different shift and taking a different bus. I didn't realize I had to transfer to a different bus, and my bus driver just kicked me off the bus at the end of the line. I was completely terrified, anxious, on the verge of tears, and frozen from the -2 degree wind chill. But a lady stood next to me at the bus stop and kindly answered all of my questions about the new bus. 

I've been treated with nothing but kindness from the people of Detroit. I'm not saying everyone here is a saint, there's bad eggs everywhere. But they're definitely due more credit than they're given. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Day 18: January 18, 2016

Today I started my first official shift at my job. It was definite an ugly and rocky start, but I survived, and it turned into a really great day. 

I didn't think I would love my job as much as I do, but it's seriously so great. It seems like everything that can go wrong with this job, has gone wrong. 

Every day seems to be some kind of test that the vast and mysterious universe is putting me through, but I keep telling myself that it's making me a better person. 

I'm learning something new every day, and that is a key to life in my opinion. 

This is a wanna-be artistic shot of my coffee in the break room during my first official break, featuring my new coffee mug courtesy of the dollar store. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 17: January 17, 2016

Today was a calm and relaxing day. I didn't get to sleep in as much as I wanted to but that's okay. I woke up, had some coffee and some oatmeal. Bae and I cleaned up the house a little, and I read over 100 pages of my book. Then we had Sunday dinner with his family. 

Days like this make me appreciate the little things so much more. Not everyone is able to spend a day doing whatever they please. Some people have to work 7 days a week and can't spend time with their family, or even have time to relax.

My weird new work schedule starts tomorrow and I'm a little worried about how it's going to play out, so today was a good last day of no stress. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 16: January 16, 2016

Most days, my boyfriend drives me crazy. He doesn't listen when I talk to him, he doesn't do anything I ask him until after the fifth time I ask, and sometimes he would rather play video games than cuddle with me. But lord knows I love him and he completes me. 

I'm excited to see him when I get home from work, he makes me pancakes and grilled cheese when I act helpless, and he scratches my back after I promise to scratch his later while fully knowing that I won't. He makes me the happiest and he fills my heart with warmth. 

Our living situation is nowhere near ideal and we definitely have our fair share of struggles, but I don't know where I'd be without him. 

He also lets me take selfies with him whenever I want because it makes me happy.💕💕

Great, now I'm that annoying sap going on and on about her boyfriend. 

Day 15: January 15, 2016

I got to create my own signature for my work email.
Is it weird that it was basically the highlight of my job so far?

When I was heavily involved in Greek Life, my favorite part was having my positions in my email signature. It made me feel important. It made me really sad when I was done holding positions and stopped having my signature in my email. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day 14: January 14, 2016

I like to think that if I learn something, it's a good day. Today I learned something about myself

Apparently I don't pick my feet up when I walk. At all. As you can tell in this picture. 

The footprints on the left are that of a normal person. Mine are on the right. 

I don't know if this is a weird thing or a normal thing. I'm wondering if it has some sort of deeper meaning. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day 13: January 13, 2016

Today my job started to get real legit.

I work at an auto company headquarters and we take online chats from customers of car dealerships across the country to answer their questions during their car-buying process. It's a completely new program that they recently started, and we launch next week. I've spent the last week with 24 other newbies training and preparing for our launch. 

Until today, we've only been practicing our chats through Skype, but today we were able to practice on our actual chat application. 

I've been really nervous about doing these chats, but a lot of that dissipated today after actually getting down to it. 

The past week or so, there has been many ups and downs, but when it comes down to it, I am loving this job, and I'm excited to go to work every day. And that's what matters. 

This picture is of the list of my co-workers on our chat. It was so legit. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 12: January 12, 2016

This is a selfie I took of myself at work today with my afternoon coffee. 

I used to be completely against selfies and they drove me insane. But I've turned a new leaf and now have a new appreciation for them. 

I think selfies are a good way of boosting your self-esteem. It's a modern way of looking at yourself in the mirror and giving yourself a pep talk, only multiplied in some instances, like when you post them on social media. What better way to give yourself a confidence booster than to post a picture of yourself for all the world to see, and to receive positive feedback for it? Of course it's always possible to receive negative feedback, or no feedback, but I rarely see that happen. 

I'm in the process of boosting my opinion of myself. It's a slow process, but it's worth it. Being with my boyfriend has done WONDERS for my self-esteem: I feel better about my personality, my hopes and dreams, my life, my body. 

I'm also trying to take more selfies, with hopes that it will improve my self-esteem. They're usually silly and goofy ones, but every little bit helps. I even take them with bae when he's not looking, which he hates, but I end up with some really cute pictures. Taking more selfies has also made me less judgemental about pictures that I'm in. I spend less time nitpicking small things about the pictures and more time cherishing the moments that were captured by the pictures. I'm learning it's a good lesson.  

Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 11: January 11, 2016

Today I got my work schedule. The schedule for my department was up in the air until today, and now everyone is all excited to finally know. 

I got the afternoon shift, 3:00 to 11:30 p.m., which is beneficial to me because I am not a morning person at all. However, this shift makes taking the bus to work extremely difficult. 

My current bus route takes about 45 minutes each way, and it stays on one road the entire time. But to take the bus in to work for my new shift takes over an hour and involves transferring to another bus. I also won't be able to take the bus home at 11 at night. So it creates some struggles. 

I don't have a normal weekend off but I do get Friday's and Sunday's off. It's interesting, but it works. My boyf has Friday off and we can still have our Sunday's. 

I'm trying to be grateful for the amazing opportunity, and I am, but I'm stressing out. I know it will get all worked out but I'm nervous. 

Below is my bright and shiny new big girl work schedule! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day 10: January 10, 2016

Today was a day filled with annoyances, and of me being upset with my boyf. 

Regardless of how annoyed and upset I was, after dinner we had a snug fest and watched Band of Brothers. 

We've been watching it bit by bit over the past month, and it's a time for us to chill out, cuddle, and spend time with each other. We're usually not even on our phones, which is really nice, since we both have a problem with doing that. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 8: January 8, 2016

Today I submitted my first time sheet for my new job. It's also my first 40-hour work week ever in my lifetime, so that's exciting. 

It finally feels like my life is coming together. My boyfriend and I both started real legitimate jobs this week and it's like we're real adults. I couldn't be happier to be at this point in my life, with a new job and finally getting my shit together, and to have him by my side.

I'll be getting my first pay check next week and I couldn't be more excited. 

Sorry for the poor quality of the picture, I took it from off my computer screen. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 7: January 7, 2016

This is just one of several pages of notes that I took at work today. Training for this job is kind of intense. And we're not even to the point of learning what I'll actually be doing. 

I've been learning a lot about cars, how they work, and different options you can get when you buy one. It's boring at times, but I'm loving the job already and I can't wait to see what comes with time. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 6: January 6, 2016

We had a pizza party at work today to welcome us new hires. 

I was sitting and eating with a couple co-workers and they just complained about the food for 10 minutes. 

One girl said there was too much cheese on it. THERE IS NO SUCH THING, YOU FOOL. 

I was just thankful that I didn't have to lug my lunchbox on the bus again. And the pizza was actually very good, besides the fact that it was slightly cold. But the salad was so good. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Day 5: January 5, 2015

I took the bus for the first time today. It was slightly terrifying but also very liberating. I had to do some walking, which was a struggle, but luckily I have fairly good directional skills. 

This is a picture of my bus schedule. I think I finally figured it out. But please wish me luck for day 2!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Day 4: January 4, 2016

Today I started my new job. After 8 months of being unemployed and horribly, horribly broke, I was reached out to by a recruiter looking to do online customer service

This is basically the perfect job for me. 

Today was extremely rough for me. I had a lot of anxiety. I also didn't eat lunch (by my own weird nervousness) and my shoes killed my feet. 

However, this was the beautiful view I got to look at from my office building. It's downtown Detroit, right on the Detroit River, with Canada right across the way. 

Some people see Detroit as an awful city full of crime, but this is the Detroit I know and love. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 3: January 3, 2016

I'm currently living with my boyfriend because of some family problems, and his family has been nice enough to take me in and treat me like family. 

Most Sunday's, we go to dinner at my boyf's dad's girlfriend's house (if you could follow that), and today was one of those days. 

Below is the aftermath of family dinner. Pot roast, salad, rolls, potatoes, carrots, and corn. Notice how only the salad is left. 

Day 2: January 2, 2016

I've become extremely close to my aunt and uncle. I had to live with them for a couple weeks due to some family problems, and we became closer than ever. 

I couldn't stay with them any longer, but they still do what they can to spoil me

They make homemade pasties every once in a while, and this time they dropped off 5 homemade pasties for me to eat and I couldn't be more excited!!

Below is one fresh out of the oven covered in delicious gravy. 😍😍

Welcome to my Photo A Day blog

Two of the goals that I have for myself for 2016 is to take more pictures and to journal more, so I can get my creativity flowing and improve my writing skills. Through those goals came this blog. 

My plan is to take a picture every day of 2016 and post it on here with a short summary/blurb about it. 

The pictures can be about anything, what I did that day, who I was with, something meaningful, a selfie. 

It's a big undertaking, 366 straight days of taking pictures and blogging (it's a leap year). However I did the 100 Happy Days challenge twice between 2014 and 2015. I just loved it so much that I restarted it once I finished it the first time. That's only 166 days less than the Photo A Day, so I'm thinking (hoping) I'll be able to complete it. 

I also want to focus more this year on the positive things in my life, instead of the negativity, and I think this will help me a lot with that. 

This is the beginning of my journey. I would love for you to be able to take it with me. 

Below is a selfie I took with my bae's dog, a celebration of sorts to begin the journey. 

Day 1: January 1, 2016

This is a picture of 3 computers and 4 monitors on my boyf's kitchen table. He had friends over for a huge gaming nerd fest aka a LAN. I always knew he was a huge gamer nerd but this was the first time I got to experience it to its highest extent. It was nice to meet more of his friends and watch them do their nerd thing, but I'm glad it's not something that happens often. I was feeling anxious the entire time from having so many people in my living space and for blocking the only way to the bathroom (I know that sounds weird, but I pee A LOT and I need to be able to get to the bathroom at all times). Definitely an interesting start to the new year.