Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day 42: February 11, 2016

Side note: I'm writing this on my new phone! With 4G! Because my crappy work wifi won't connect. Again

Back to business here. 

Yesterday at work, everybody in my department got their desks moved around and combined with the people from the other marketing support department, which is actually combining with my department. Weird and confusing. But the point of shifting everyone around was to condense everyone to make room for new hires that are coming in soon. 

It's weird being over here, mostly because we're all separated by cubicles, and because no one ever talks. My department would NEVER be quiet; people were always talking and asking questions and helping each other with customers. For the extreme introvert in me, that sounds terrifying, but it was actually quite nice. 

While the cubicles cut everyone off from each other, I'm excited to finally have an actual desk with a little file cabinet! And I have these nice little walls that I can decorate! 

I also have a pretty good view, as my desk backs right up to the window. 

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