Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 32: February 1, 2016

Happy February!

Today was an interesting day. 

We had to leave Florida today, sadly and unwillingly. Everything was fine in the beginning of the day: we got to the airport on time with a cheap Uber ride, we went through security with no problems, the plane ride was quick and smooth, and our flight arrived early. 

We take an Uber back to my friend's house, which we were then supposed to head straight to my work and she would drop me off. 

She tries to start her car and IT WILL NOT START. Then we find out it will take an hour for AAA to get there to jump her car, making me late for work. 

I'm frantic and holding back tears. Being late gives me the worst anxiety and I very much pride myself on being punctual. 

I finally found someone to take me to work. One of my very dear friends left her job, drive 30 minutes to pick me up, drove me 40 minutes to work, and then 40 minutes back to her house. I seriously could not be more grateful for her and all that she has done for me in the past. 

I got to work only 10 minutes late, but my anxiety was still through the roof. But the second I walked in, all of my co-workers exclaimed that they missed me and were glad I was back and asked me questions about my trip. It was incredibly heartwarming and it helped take the edge off. 

Since I was late to work and had just come from the airport, I didn't have a lunch or any time to run down to the food court to get something. Instead I ran down to CVS during my break and found what I could to make a somewhat decent lunch. 

The result was: Easy Mac, a little veggie tray, and some trail mix. Not the worst lunch I would have had, but also not the best. Here's to doing better tomorrow!

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